Co-designing a vibrant legacy for the Goulburn Valley - evokeAG.

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Co-designing a vibrant legacy for the Goulburn Valley

Davi La Ferla of Sensand Technologies, a key partner in the NorVicFoods project, speaks about the possible innovations set to rejuvenate Victoria’s Hume region and why human-centered and tech-enabled solutions will help maximise business outcomes. 

Goulburn Valley Victoria's vibrant Goulburn Valley

Renowned as one of Australia’s most productive food bowls, the Goulburn Valley is abundantly rich in produce and teeming with innovation opportunities set to benefit a range of agrifood businesses.

To continue driving the region’s productivity, the NorvicFoods project was launched, with the University of Melbourne and Sensand Technologies to work with the community to solve key issues facing agrifood businesses in the value chain and nurture the connection of university graduates to agriculture.

Davi La Ferla,  Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Sensand Technologies, a key partner in the project, speaks with growAG. contributor, Judy Kennedy about the possible innovations set to rejuvenate Victoria’s Hume region and why human-centered and tech-enabled solutions will help to maximise business outcomes.

If you’re an agribusiness in the Goulburn Valley with an industry challenge you’d like solved, you can submit applications via here. Expressions of Interest close in December 2022.

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