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Five truths we need to spur Australia’s agrifood producers into faster action on carbon

Carbon is the currency of modern agriculture, so it’s no surprise that attendees at AgriFutures evokeAG. 2024 were keen to know how Australia’s ag sector can overcome its stubbornly slow adoption of low-carbon solutions. As we hurtle towards 2030 (D-Day for most decarbonisation pledges both in Australia and internationally) market and regulatory pressures to reduce GHG emissions are bearing down upon the agrifood supply chain. Despite the urgency to respond, Australian producers aren’t yet flocking to low carbon production.

Here, top academics, early adopters, and sustainable livestock feed innovators share their truths on why adoption is lagging, and how we can drive faster progress.

Data, technology and tackling the four Cs

Four interwoven challenges: climate, COVID-19, conflict, and cost have disrupted agrifood supply chains and led to skyrocketing costs for farm inputs, all set amongst fears for global food security and the transition to a decarbonised economy.

Trailblazing vertical farming with David Farquhar

Meet David Farquhar, a serial entrepreneur and CEO of Scottish agritech company, Intelligent Growth Solutions – a trailblazer of vertical farming. Here Andy Lowe learns about this ground-breaking solution and the opportunities for farmers.

24 Jun 2022

Supply chain innovation, ChillSafe tackles food waste challenge

After 10 years of working with commercial businesses, Coolsan Australia will roll out its innovative ChillSafe technology to domestic consumers in July 2022. The patented, simple-to-use sachet is designed to reduce bacteria, mould and viruses in cool storages and keep food fresher for longer, resulting in less food wastage.

31 May 2022

Innovation, collaboration and persistence: the art of growing red meat market access

A joint effort by the red meat sector and government has delivered sought-after shelf-life extensions for vacuum-packed chilled sheepmeat and beef exports to key markets in the Middle East. However, innovative packaging and freight solutions are still required to extend shelf life of fresh sheepmeat carcase exports – which accounts for the bulk trade to the Middle East – to capture similar value and recover from the COVID-19 induced airfreight capacity crunch.

27 Oct 2021

The state of play for blockchain and why ‘tech stacks’ help drive adoption

Focusing on supply chain collaboration instead of competition, is the core focus of AgriDigital and Geora’s recent integration, designed to give grain growers more control of their digital assets. Here we explore how tech stacks are helping users to overcome the barriers to adoption for blockchain and create value beyond the farm gate.

3 Aug 2021
growAG image man in field with drone

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AgriFutures growAG. is the online marketplace for agrifood innovation. Explore, find and connect with expertise, research and investment opportunities from Australia and around the world in one, easy to use location.

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