Ag-itators panel discussion - evokeAG.

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Ag-itators panel discussion

Incremental to exponential, the “ag-itating” trends daring the industry to think differently to meet the opportunities and challenges head on.

Population growth and a growing middle-class is increasing food consumption and demand to cater for diversified diets, while resource scarcity, climate change and globalisation are making the ride bumpier and forcing us to adapt. Demand creates opportunity and adversity creates innovation.

The global ag-itators are already here. Is our response intelligent enough, quick enough and are we creating an effective, efficient food system for the future?

We bring together change agents, early adapters and transformational thinkers who are already ahead of the conversation to discuss what they think we need to do to remain globally relevant.


  • Jack Cowin – Hungry Jacks & Competitive Foods Australia
  • Bill Hurditch – The Fifth Estate
  • John Henderson – Airtree
  • Rachael Neumann – AWS
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